Saturday, December 10, 2011

Snow Finally! Well, some anyhow

Waking up early to a light blanket of fresh snow is truly on the the joys of mountain living. It blots out whatever your past week has brought and builds new levels of energy you thought had been lost through the turmoil of the work week. It soothes and holds forth a promise of what the new day will bring.

Hank the cat races around the house at an ungodly hour, almost begging to go out and play in the soft white expanse - yet knowing he won't set foot outside the door once he realizes just how cold it really is. His time will come when the lake freezes three feet thick and we take out one mile jaunt across the lake to look at our camp, now secured tightly against the howling north winds we see every year. There is nothing like playing in the winter white with an animal who truly enjoys being outside and revels in his freedom and shows it.

The french roast is bubbling - sweet, dark enlightenment - rousing the body in preparation for time on the slopes...the skis are waxed and ready, crying out to thrash the mountain - this promises to be one of those days we all know we need. Freedom awaits - the unfettering of mind and body, the company of like minded people - the perfect balance of adrenaline and relaxation.

Soon the snow will accumulate and the new Volkl skis will come out, the old rock skis being put away for another year - the weekly pilgrimage to the tuning bench will commence and all will be well in this world.

Join us at Whiteface Mountain and leave your training wheels at home - this mountain means business and so do we.

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