Saturday, May 30, 2009

It's that time

Wake up pro skiers and's that time of the year. The past dusting is fading from the western "snirt" and it's time to accept that the snow is gone here for this year.

Does this mean the season is over? Yes. Of course, that just means next season starts "tomorrow."

It's time to start evaluating what your body needs in preparation for dry land training to heal this year's hurts and develop more power, speed and flexibility for the upcoming season.

What does that mean? Well, let's start with what you put into the machine before trying to tune the motor.

Eat smart during your off season and make your training exponentially more productive. Fruits, vegetables, carbs only to the extent you need them and please, please, please...lay off the fatty foods! Above all else, increase your intake of water!

Get into a daily stretching routine that can become a habit you need not think about....get going before your morning coffee, right after your morning coffee...whatever it takes to have it work for you. Be sure to fuel your body in the morning; no more skipping food because you "don't feel like eating." Find food you can eat in the morning and your body will thank you, as will your mind.

When you have your body stretched out and your diet adjusted, get some input from a strength and conditioning coach before committing to a training plan. Our clients come to us for skiing information; talk to a conditioning coach to get the information necessary for your productive training.

Most of all, develop a training schedule that you KNOW you can stick to. In some cases consistency may well be "the hobgoblin of little minds," but not here. Here, consistency is everything.

We're all looking forward to being back on skis full time again next winter; now is the time to make the right moves to assure success next winter.